Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Projectile Vomiting comes to Blogspot

You knew that it had to happen eventually, the first post about vomiting in the new space. I feel like now, we're truly going to christen it. Though before I begin I'd like to direct your attention back to yesterday's post, which you may have missed, concerning comment moderation. As you may notice I did allow "anonymous" one last hurrah but that's the end of that. But now on with the story...

For reasons not worth getting into I was up until 2 am Sunday night, so last night I was tired but at the same time worried that I had pushed my sleep schedule ahead enough to make it difficult for me to fall asleep. In fact when I laid down I didn't feel sleepy at all, fortunately I was able to clear my mind relatively easy and regulate my breathing, and though it took longer than normal I got to sleep. I'm guessing I was asleep for about an hour, just long enough to get some depth when the screaming started. My wife was out of bed like a shot, but it took me a few seconds to figure out where I was and then another few seconds to figure out what was being screamed. (Something along the lines of "Mom I threw up" only at a pitch about five octaves above middle C.)

I ran into my sons room and just about ran back out. The smell was unbelievable, I think if we had waited until morning to clean it up, my other son would have been dead from the fumes, and all the paint would have been gone. Once again I'm led to wonder why it's always late at night? Why can't they get sick when they're already awake, or better yet awake and in the bathroom? By morning the other son was throwing up (it may have just been the memory of the smell) and one of the other kids was displaying "other" symptoms. At this point I'm blaming my sister, her kids were sick last week and they obviously gave it to my kids. Just one more thing to add to the tally...

No one is forcing you to read it


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one is forcing me, but it's like a car accident, I just can't look away.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I'm sure there'll be a broken car story hot on the heels of this medical thriller...


10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We want video podcasts!

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And somehow out of everyone exposed to the illness on Sunday my family appears to be the only one not affected ... *knocks on wood, or a desk that looks like its supposed to be wood*

12:05 PM  

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