Tuesday, December 18, 2007


It's been quite a while since I blogged and I apologize, one of my resolutions for the new year will surely be to blog more often. My optimism stems from the hope that my schedule will become more regular and conscious choice. I've decided I'm going to be better than "the glass is half-full" I'm going to be a "that glass still has a few drops of water in it so quit your whining you're not going to die of thirst yet!" I'm not sure if that's optimism or not, but it's the best I can do.

At the moment my stress level is pretty high (not as high as it's ever been, that was last week...) to the point that I can feel it gnawing away at the bottom of my stomach. As I mentioned I'm optimistic that my schedule will be better after the first of the year. Right now it's like I have three sets of children. I have my actual children who need me to be home on the evenings when their mother is out rehearsing and performing. I have the children at my day job who keep calling me to ask for my advice and then I have my new baby, the business who keeps me up late at night and has a tendency to crap at really inconvenient times (the entire extended metaphor was just so that I could get in that last line).

Speaking of my wife performing, that was one of the bright spots in the otherwise endless ocean of stress. First she did the Bell Concert which was really cool. I'm not 100% sure but I think it was the biggest English Handbell concert ever. Part of that obviously stems from how big the concert center is. Handbells normally don't get to play venues that large and when they do I imagine that they don't usually fill them up, but my wife and her fellow ringers did. The next week was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert with the King Singers. I think I liked last years with Sissel a little bit better, which is not to say the King Singer's weren't awesome, just that Sissel was superlative.

In my long absence from blogging I missed seeing a comment from Ed. It has now been approved and posted but since most of you are unlikely be checking old posts for new comments I'll relate it here. He said that http://xkcd.com/282/ was his favorite. For anyone who knows Ed this should be absolutely no surprise, in fact I'm sure that ttocS is even now air-punching an imaginary shoulder.

We'll send you to a rest home... I'm already in a rest home... We'll send you to that crooked one on 60 minutes... I'll be good...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where'd you get that ending tagline about the rest home? I'm still laughing.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Medsker said...

That was really funny (I giggled inside...deep):-)

9:55 AM  
Blogger aozora said...

Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night.

6:38 AM  

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